8 Nelson St, Riccarton, Christchurch

Date: June – July 2016

Client: Dunn Family

Structural Engineer: TM Consultants

Main Contractor: Whyte Construction

Subcontractor: BBR Contech

As part of the upgrade and strengthening of an existing 3 level commercial building in Riccarton the designers contemplated options for 34% NBS and 67% NBS which included application of carbon fibre to strengthen the third floor concrete diaphragm.

The adopted 67% NBS scheme involved the surface preparation and application of 184 linear metres of Sika® Carbodur® S1512 carbon fibre laminated strips at 600mm centres to the existing 3rd floor slab. Once the epoxy adhesive had cured the surface of the carbon fibre was applied with epoxy resin and broadcast with Sika® Aggregate-501 sand to provide a textural surface for subsequent cementitious floor levelling compound.

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